36188943_10156312656951278_3321795236497195008_nSolidarity Park  started in May 2016 and is ongoing. This project is building a memorial monument to International Brigadistas of the ship Ciudad de Barcelona that was sunk in the Spanish civil war. The project method is to have mass participation in the process of creating a memorial. over 1,000 local and international people have created art and participated directly in creating the monument. There is a parallel international schools project which has a direct involvement in designing the memorial monument.

There have been a number of exhibitions showing the process of the work, the latest being Brigadistas Return.

The first stage of this project raised €20,000 from crowd funding. The second stage which is funded by the local council has now started. The physical monument is forecast to be completed by May 2021.

See website for more information.

Video of Interview with Rob MacDonald about Brigadista Return Exhibition.

Speech by Rob MacDonald speaking about Solidarity Park at May Day event in Gothenburg and launching Periphery is the Centre.